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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Motivation to bike is back!

Feeling very good! I biked to work three times last week!  I rode on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  All great rides!  Just in a matter of a few days I could feel my energy and enthusiasm come back.  I almost rode on Friday, but knew I had to give my body a break.  And by the end of the work day on Friday, I was feeling it.  I was yawning, totally wiped out.  But in a good way.

My goal this coming week is for three days again.  I want to get another great week in like this, then reevaluate for next week.  4 days??  ;o)

Riding in on Tuesday, it was sort of overcast.  Perfect riding weather....This pic below is one of the million scenes I came across with wildflowers in bloom thanks to our extra wet winter than just ended.

The funny thing is that this pic looks like it could be some country road far from everything.  Not in the least.  There's a huge strip mall across from it, Wal-Mart etc.  But, at 7 a.m., strolling by on a bike, this is what I experienced.  And it was wonderful.

What a nice reminder to see the beauty right around us.  So nice.

Also when riding this week talked to a bike commuter I hadn't seen before.  He and I had a lot in common....same type of ride, from Normal Heights to Kearney Mesa.  Similar type of bike, our age, body type.  Nice to chat with someone at the relative same level about routes, traffic, hills, etc.

On a totally different note...I am obsessed with Pandora lately.  If you don't know it, check it out here.  You create your own radio station by putting in the name of an artist, song, or composer that you like.  And it builds a station around that selection.   Then you rate the songs, thumbs up, thumbs down.  That way, they are about to gauge what other songs you may like or not.  Right now I'm listening to Mahler's Symphony No. 2.

It is for all types of music too, not just classical.  Try it out.

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