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Friday, December 25, 2009

Update on stuff

Haven't been up for writing much recently.  Haven't ridden my bike as much either.  Very tough week at work...glad for a few days off now.

After the last flat tire...had another one the very next morning!  LOL....At least this time it happened right in front of Einstein's all was not lost. 

Took it back to Velo charge repair!  Their customer service is stellar, and best of all, they are so nice about it...a pleasure to go there.

I'm coming up with the direction I want my biking and blogging to go in the new year...I'll write about it when I decide.  I'm leaning towards really throwing myself into both, since they both are giving me a lot of pleasure.  I really love being on my bike...I'm surprised I guess how much...and not on long rides up to Northern San Diego, or out to the desert...I love just jumping on it to go out for coffee, or run to pick up something at the store, go to the bank...And the might not seem like much...but it's about the only time in my life nowadays that I feel "in the flow" so to speak. 

I thought this was extremely funny....

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