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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hiking in the rain at Cowles

Not my pic.  Raining too hard to take my own camera!  This is a nice pic on a clear day.

I went for a hike today, in the rain...and it was spectacular!  The reason I thought of commenting about it here in this blog about car-free living came to me while hiking.  One of the things that I like so much about the biking, and the bus-commuting is the fact that I'm out in the world.  I'm not enclosed in a car, having the world whiz by.

I'm on the bike, feeling the air, the wind, the sun.  Seeing people, the green from all the rain we've gotten this winter, the huge racoon popping out of some brush...(a bit jarring to see, but very cool nonetheless)

Or on the bus...the chatting with a bunch of people I wouldn't normally interact with.  Or reading, devouring books actually.  Or seeing so many sights as a passenger that again, as with the bike....things I'm not whizzing by. 
Today at this spot there was water rushing down here!

Hiking up Cowles Mountain today, in the pouring, and I mean, pouring, rain for a big chunk of the time, made me feel like I was in it, in nature, in the whole of life.  I could have easily stayed home, or suggested to my friend that we just go out for coffee.  I am so glad he said, when he got to my place to head out for the hike, and it was raining steadily by then,  "well...this will be an adventure!"  Ha ha cool is that?

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